Recently,The Nielsen Company released a report detailing the top US search sites for August 2010. Nielsen reported that for the first time since collecting data on “Human” search query analytics, Bing dominated Yahoo which in turned elevated their status to the No. 2 Search Engine used in the US by humans for that month. This statistic was generated from a sample of “Human” search engine query analytics data collected during the month of August, which is shown in the report summary below!
The report summary indicates that Bing received a 0.25% share increase in share market volume as compared to the month of July. Google stands firm in the battle of the search engines with a share of the market estimated at 65.1%. Yahoo holds the third spot undisputedly with 13.1% of the market share. I am not even going to give “Ask Jeeves”), or AOL Search any consideration because at one time test online casino downloadable lot games
AOL was really known for its famous line “You got Mail.” When it comes to AOL Search, I can honestly say to everyone out there that uses the service that “You Got Nothing” when it comes to their search result choices. When it comes to, well, I fired the butler a long time ago, nuff said!
One thing I don’t understand is the following:
Recently I wrote an article on the merger of Bing and Yahoo. Since Yahoo adopted the search technology utilized by Bing during the month of August, would that signify that the study conducted by The Nielson Company invalid? One thing is certain, the sleeping giants have awakened, referring to Bing and Yahoo. I forsee the classic battle of David and Golith entering the search engine arena, and the colossal Giant, soon will topple.
About the Nielsen Company:
Across continents and industries, The Nielsen Company measures activity and engagement at every consumer touchpoint – from TV screen to smartphone, from viral video to shopping cart. More importantly, our broad range of data collection tools enables us to merge cross-industry intelligence to provide deeper insight into current markets, creating future opportunities for growth.