Google’s new Priority Inbox for Gmail completes my “Hunny-do” list.”
It’s a cool summer night in the middle of September and here I am, sitting in front of my computer, another late night working for several of my clients providing SEO advice, keyword research, and website optimization. Summer in September? What’s up with that! My eyes are about crossed, along with blurred vision.
I feel like Rocky Balboa after the 3rd round of Rocky IV when his trainer asked how he was doing. Rocky replied that his Russian opponent was “winning” and that he sees “triple.” Uncle Paulie gave in my opinion, one of the most famous lines in the film that sticks in my mind every time I try to burn the midnight oil. I can hear Paulie’s raspy voice echoing throughout the far reaches of my brain, “hit the one in the middle!” The hollow sound somehow stimulates my spinal cord to send signals to my brain instructing me to keep on going!
I interpret Paulie’s words of wisdom as instructions to obtain direct focus on my computer screen and “stick and move” with my mouse as I punch the keys on my keyboard in an effort to get the job done. I need to be careful that I do lean to far forward as result fatigue and smack my head on my ’24 inch monitor, thus knocking myself out resulting in a disqualification!
I decided to take a moment and check my favorite email program or “client” (for all you computer “tekkies” out there like me!) after I spent the last 5 minutes listening the boss of the house rant and rave about the fact I forgot to check the regular mail for the millionth time. Yes folks, I, a 34 year old, have senior moments and I am proud of it. It’s amazing i remember to pay the bills on time. I guess it is true that behind every man there is a good woman.
As I stared at my Gmail account through the dense fog of blurriness my tired eyes where creating, I notice something strange. Seeing this item three times, I decided to talk Paulie’s advice and stare intently at the one in the middle. I noticed that the words said “Priority Inbox.” Suddenly I felt a jolt of energy, it felt like I drank a pot of hot Colombian coffee(funny I don’t drink coffee.). So I decided to do some research!
The video below gives you an animated overview of the features and purpose of the Gmail Priority Inbox, See it all for yourself!
With the ability to label your important emails with a star, Google has deployed a algorithm to monitor these important emails and sort and display them at the top of your Gmail inbox. A great tool for an old guy with blurry eyes and senior moment prone. Now I can have my wife send me a email to check the regular, which I will mark important! Now if I could only remember to check my email as well. Hey, I can’t win sometimes, but it is fun trying! My wife will certainly be happy!
Hey Google, here is an idea. Can you create something that will stimulate…. Naaaaaa, some things are better left to the imagination! For now, I will go to sleep and dream about it!
Good Night Everyone!!