My friends, there are many days working as a business entrepreneur where events occur that I can’t even imagine. In regards to my business experience, the unthinkable always seems to happen. Situations always occur when running a business. Situations can always bring about positive and negative effects to your business. To what effect this situations have on your business is really how you perceive them. Honestly I believe that all situations are good in many respects, and often every situation contains a silver-lining. Like I said before, how the situation personally impacts you is all a matter of perception. It is that perception that has influence on how you make decisions and proceed forward down your career path as a business entrepreneur. Let me tell you a story to help put this topic in perspective.
In a welcome message to my readers, written on May 25, 2009, I stated the purpose of this blog. The article can recalled by visiting the “Meet Michael Augustine” section of this blog. I indicated that I have created this blog to help business entrepreneurs achieve success working their business using the internet. I believe that it is my calling to help others. I created my business Augustine Enterprises for this purpose.
My friends, it is a honor serving you. working my business for many years has lead to many rewarding events that have occurred throughout the life of my business. Recently I just received the surprise of a lifetime.
When building a business or employed by someone else, I firmly believe that success comes from building relationships and not from what you know. I realize this may be a controversial statement to make, but honesty, I have seen unqualified people take positions due to strong relationship building. This is not a matter of opinion, this is fact. As a manager during my years of employment, I have personally interviewed many applicants for many positions. I have declined many job seekers desiring employment or advancement to a new more challenging position due to their qualifications not meeting the requirements laid forth by the job description. My choice to decline such applicants was overturned by upper management for various personal reasons such as, the applicant’s “blood” relationship to the boss, or the outstanding nightly social skills of the applicant at the local bar or pub. My friends, as I said, it is not about what you know it is who you know.
Shortly after putting up this blog and writing a post. I received a comment from a high school sweetheart from years back. It was a shock to me, because i always believed that after failed relationships like this one, we both went our separate ways never to communicate again. She had been searching for me for many years with no success. She tried to find my address, phone number etc., with hopes of reconnecting. Recently she turned to Google. With one search on my name “Michael Augustine,” she came across this blog. It was as simple as that.
My friends, we had a incredible reunion, she found me to tell me the incredible difference I have made in her life, and to take my business and continue the trend to serve as many as possible. Through the power of the internet and business marketing, I was able to rebuild a tarnished relationship, and turn it into a powerful entity to empower my business to the next level. Our reunion also gave me the strength to keep moving forward and serve as many people as I can, helping them acheive success.
Never underestimate the power of “relationship building”. Having a business and marketing online can be very rewarding as I previously mentioned. Microsoft said it best with their slogon, “Where Do You Want To Go Today?” If your thinking about running a business I encourage you to do so. Even in the troubling enconomy, businesses can still have success such as my business. All it took was learning to harness the power of a Google search along with having a good search to help me acquire customers. This can happen to you! Having a business and building relationships have opened the door to other opportunites and dreams that I never thought I could make reality. All due to the power of relationship building!!